Ways to Give
Your gift matters
Many of the outstanding qualities that distinguish the UW-Eau Claire degree would not be possible without the generous support of donors like you. Gifts from alumni and friends carry on the tradition of excellence on our campus and enhance the college experience for every Blugold student.
There are many ways to make a gift in support of UW-Eau Claire. Select the option below that best fits your financial goals.
Ways you can give
It’s easy. Just complete the form below, print it out, and send your check to the UW-Eau Claire Foundation, P.O. Box 1208, Eau Claire, WI 54702-1208. Make sure your check is made payable to the “UW-Eau Claire Foundation.”
Credit Card
A quick, easy, and environmentally-friendly way to make an instant impact. Click below to go right to our secure donation page.
Donate cryptocurrency via the Foundation's secure partner site.
Please note that donations of cryptocurrency will be liquidated for the Foundation's immediate use. If you'd like your gift to be designated toward a specific fund or purpose, please include your designation in the comment box that asks why you donated.
Give Bitcoin, Ethereum, or USD Coin
If you would like to donate a different form of cryptocurrency or are planning on a large donation, please contact UW-Eau Claire Foundation Financial Specialist Aspen Ryskoski.
Monthly Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
To donate monthly by an electronic funds transfer, fill out an EFT authorization form, print it out, and mail it in with a voided check.
IRA Rollover
If you are age 70½ or older, you can give up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to the UW-Eau Claire Foundation without having to pay income taxes. The law permitting this IRA rollover no longer has an expiration date, so you are free to use this giving option annually well into the future.
How it works
- The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you still benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions.
- If you have not taken your required minimum distribution for the year, your IRA charitable rollover gift can satisfy all or part of that requirement.
- The transfer may be made in addition to any other charitable giving you have planned.
If you are interested in giving to the UW-Eau Claire Foundation through an IRA rollover, or if you have any questions, please contact our office at 715-836-5630 or foundation@uwec.edu.
Matching Gifts
Increase the impact of your investment in UW-Eau Claire students and programs with a matching gift from your employer. Just check with your human resources or personnel office to determine your company’s policy and pick up a matching gift form. Procedures vary company to company, but this example is typical:
- Get a matching gift form from your HR department.
- Complete the form and send it along with your donation to the UW-Eau Claire Foundation.
- The Foundation validates that the gift has been received and meets the appropriate guidelines.
- The Foundation then returns the form to your company.
- Your company verifies your eligibility and the eligibility of the UW-Eau Claire Foundation, and then sends a check to the Foundation.
It’s up to you. You choose how much, how often, and preferred payment method.
Securities + Stocks
Gifts of securities, stocks and bonds are a great way to support people and programs at UW-Eau Claire.
The Telefund program is an essential part of the UW-Eau Claire Foundation's annual fundraising program. Current students dedicate evening hours to contacting alumni and friends to build relationships and raise funds to support UW-Eau Claire. These gifts help us to provide scholarships, research opportunities, fellowships, study abroad programs and other valuable educational opportunities for students.
Telefund callers request updated contact information, provide updates on the great things happening on campus and answer any questions alumni and friends may have. Calls are placed on Sunday-Thursday evenings year-round.
Please take their call and pledge to renew your annual support or consider making your first gift to UW-Eau Claire. Your connection with current students is inspiring and your gifts enrich the value of a degree from UW-Eau Claire — now and for the next generation of Blugolds.
UWEC Payroll Deduction
UW-Eau Claire employees benefit from another great perk. Just complete the short form to give back to a place that gives you so much.
I had a tremendously positive and valuable experience at UWEC. I visit the campus and the city every year. I appreciate every aspect of my time on campus and I believe it provided me with the foundation to have a very long and successful professional career and life. I feel that it is important to ‘give back’ to MY university.

Planned Giving
You’ve worked hard for what you have, and have accomplished success that can likely be traced back to roots at UW-Eau Claire. Now it’s time to think ahead towards investing in things you care most about.
Planned Giving information
By creating endowed funds, donors committed to the university’s mission of excellence in learning and service can support their own values and university needs.
Learn More
Naming Options
Memorialize or honor someone special or leave a legacy that bears your name on part of campus. Naming opportunities are available for people and places at UW-Eau Claire that benefit students for generations.
Read Naming Options