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Sustaining Human Innovation Campaign Priority

A priority of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Foundation’s Sustaining Human Innovation Campaign is investing in our faculty. They are at the center of the university’s mission to “foster in one another creativity, critical insight, empathy, and intellectual courage…” Vibrant faculty are central to the university’s strategic plan to achieve a national reputation for academic distinction. They foster collaborations across disciplines and colleges in support of health and wellbeing; expand national partnerships; develop new, nationally competitive academic and cocurricular programs; integrate EDI into classroom pedagogy, content, and curriculum; and integrate undergraduate research and creative activities across disciplines.

University Fellow Awards

Every measure of success and the backbone of our reputation rests with the faculty. The purpose of the University Fellows program is to recognize exceptional teaching, scholarship and service of faculty at critical junctures in their career paths at UW-Eau Claire. The program provides a direct benefit to selected faculty through either direct stipends or support to provide course release, in either $10,000/year or $12,500/year amounts. There are awards for early-, mid- and senior-career faculty across all colleges, and awards are given for either three or five years (depending on the award and level). Please contact Julia Diggins to learn more about investing in the early-, mid- or senior-career fellows.

Every member of the faculty has been eligible for at least one award in each of the two awarding cycles as of 2024-2025. The Foundation's intention is to add to this list every year through contributions to the Sustaining Human Innovation Campaign so that these awards will provide a lasting benefit to one of the university's most precious asset: its faculty.

2025 - 2026 University Fellowships

Grace Lau Early Career STEM University Fellow | Dr. Tyler Doyon, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Blugold Faculty Fellow in Business | Dr. Frances Hawes, Management and Leadership Programs
Blugold Excellence in Teaching University Fellow | Dr. David Jones, English

2024 - 2025 Karlgaard Faculty Excellence Awards

Computer Science | Dr. Mounika Vanamala
Mathematics | Dr. Sam Scholze
Physics & Astronomy | Dr. Nathan Miller

2025 Award Reception Recording

2024 - 2025 University Fellowships

Chancellor Brian Levin-Stankevich University Fellow | Dr. Kaishan Kong, Languages
Mary C. and Fred Bliss University Fellow for Tenure Track Nursing Faculty
| Dr. Beth Evans, Nursing
Nancy Quinn Senior University Fellow in Nursing | Dr. Dalete Mota, Nursing
Nancy Quinn Senior University Fellow | Dr. Scott Lester, Marketing & Leadership Programs
Nancy Quinn Early Career University Fellow | Dr. Susan Tily, Education for Equity & Justice
Wipfli Accounting Faculty Fellow | Dr. Seungbin Oh, Accounting & Finance

2023 - 2024 Karlgaard Faculty Excellence Awards

Computer Science | Dr. Rahul Gomes
Mathematics | Dr. Mohammad Aziz
Physics & Astronomy | Dr. Lyle Ford

2024 Award Reception Recording

2023 - 2024 University Fellowships

Bartelt Biology Fellow | Dr. Jamie Lyman Gingerich, Biology
Bartelt Early Career Fellow | Dr. Kati Barahona-Lopez, Sociology
College of Business Faculty Excellence Fellow | Dr. Scott Swanson, Management & Marketing
Debra Maben University Fellow
| Dr. Kaia Simon, English
Grace Lau Mid-Career University Fellowship | Dr. Asha Sen, English
Lohse-Fischman Faculty Excellence in Biology Fellow | Dr. Robert Duerst, Biology
Raymond and Tamara Skwierczynski University Fellow in Languages | Dr. Josh Brown, Languages
Shirley Paulson-Lee Education University Fellow | Dr. Anjela Wong, Education for Equity & Justice
Suzanne Strowig University Faculty Award in Nursing
| Dr. Jeanette Olsen, Nursing
Tyler Patterson College of Business Early Career Fellow
| Dr. Daniel Gullifor, Management & Marketing

2023 - 2024 Karlgaard Faculty Excellence Awards

Computer Science | Dr. Jim Seliya
Mathematics | Dr. Silviana Amethyst
Physics & Astronomy | Dr. Jim Rybicki

2023 Award Reception Recording

The UW-Eau Claire Foundation empowers people to dream big, providing opportunities that enrich our communities, inspire our citizens, and showcase the Blugold spirit beyond our campus. It's impossible to measure the number of lives positively impacted by their support.

B.J. Hollars Associate Professor of English
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